اسئله علي قصه سجين زيندا للثانويه العامه 2024

الي كل الطلاب والطالبات متابعينا السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اهلا ومرحبا بكم في الموقع التعليمي المتميز اي بوك التعليمي كما تعلمون اننا نسعي دائما الي تقديم ل ماهو جديد بهدف افاده الطلاب وتفوقهم بدايه من رياض الاطفال الي المرحله الثانويه نقد لكم المنهج الجديد في جميع المواد لجميع المراحل الدراسيه لعام 2024 نختص اليوم طلاب الصف الثالث الثانوي شعبتي العلمي والادبي بتقديم مذكره خاصه بمنهج اللغه الانجليزيه بالاخص قصه سجين زيندا

طلاب الصف الثالث الثانوي نقدم لكم اليوم مجموعه اسئله هامه علي قصه سجين زيندا الاسئله المهمه التي وردت في الامتحانات السابقه وجميع الاسئله المتوقعه ان تاتي علي جميع الفصول لضمان الحصول علي الدرجه النهائيه  في سؤال القصه في امتحان نهايه العام باذن الله المذكره منسقه ومنظمه جاهزه للطباعه فورا بالاضافه انها مجانيه لجميع الطلاب  يسععدنا ان تشاركونا بتعليقاتكم  لتحميل المذكره رابط التحميل اسفل الموضوع .

مواصفات المذكره

  • عدد الصفحات 19
  • صيغه المذكره pdf

للتحميل اضغط هنا

Chapter 1:
Do you think that Rose was right to be angry with Rudolf Rassendyll? Why?
Do you agree that a person like Rudolf who had enough money shouldn’t
work? Why?
Why do you think Rose was annoyed when Rudolf Rassendyll mentioned
his family?
How do you think Rudolf Rassendyll’s good education should affect his
position and career?
Do you think a person who had a good education like Rassendyll was really
How do you think Rudolf Rassendyll’s fighting skills could be useful for him?
Who do you think exceled the other Rudolf Rassendyll or Robert
Why do you think Rose compared Rudolf Rassendyll to his elder brother
Robert Rassendyll?
Which do you think is good for a person to take responsibilities or see
opportunities? Why?
What do you think the lesson which Rose wanted to teach Rassendyll?
Rassendyll’s position in society gave him opportunities. Do you agree?
Which opportunities do you think Rudolf Rassendyll enjoyed?
Do you think the job which Rose offered to Rudolf was suitable for him?
Do you think Rudolf Rassendyll was happy with Rose’s offer?
Rose was a very persuasive person. Do you agree? Why?
How do you think Rudolf Rassendyll could use his time during the six
months perfectly?
Do you think Rudolf Rassendyll’s decision to visit Ruritania was good one?
Why do you think the Rassendylls had an interest in Ruritania?
To what extent do you think Rudolf Rassendyll looked like the Elphbergs?
If you had an opportunity to attend an important coronation, would you
accept it? Why?
Do you think that Rudolf Rassendyll was right when he lied to his family?
Why do you think Rudolf Rassendyll told Rose that he was going to write a

Why do you think writing a book was useful for Rudolf Rassendyll?
Which was more important for Rudolf to write about political problems or
his adventure?
Why do you think Rudolf visited Paris while passing through the city?
George Featherly thought that Duke Michael would not enjoy the
coronation of his half brother Rudolf Elphberg. Do you agree? Why?
Why do you think George Featherly thought that Duke Michael was his
father’s favourite son?
Both George and Bertram thought Duke Michael was a clever man. How
could this be true?
Do you think that Antoinette de Mauban was a famous lady? Why?
Why do you think that Rassendyll did not tell his friend George about his
real destination?
Why do you think that Rudolf Rassendyll wanted to meet Antoinette de
Mauban on the train?
Why do you think the guards at the border stared at Rassendyll before
letting him into Ruritania?
Why do you think that Rudolf Rassendyll couldn’t go to the capital Strelsau
Why do you think Antoinette de Mauban remained on the train for its
journey to the capital?
The inn keeper was not very interested in what happened in the capital.
Why do you think so?
The inn keeper supported Duke Michael greatly. Why do you think so?
Why do you think poor people did not support the King?
Why do you think Duke Michael was more favourable for people than the
Why do you think Rassendyll decided to in the forest the next day?
Why do you think the Duke invited the King to stay in his hunting lodge in
Zenda before the coronation while he was in Strelsau preparing for the
Do you think Rudolf Elphberg (the King) and his brother Michael (the Duke)
are good friends?
Rassendyll thought it was right that the older brother became the King. Do
you agree? Why?


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